When people hear ‘phone system’ they automatically disassociate it from any type of IT system. But the fact is that a VoIP phone system integrates with your IT infrastructure, ensuring increased efficiency between your telephone and electronic communications.

The Productivity-Boosting Features of VoIP

  • Voicemail to email
    For those times when you can’t answer your phone, voicemail to email is a really useful feature. It will notify you when you’ve received a voicemail so even if you don’t have your phone to hand, you’ll get the details you need.
  • Call forwarding
    Particularly useful for those whose jobs require them to be out of office regularly, call forwarding will divert any calls to a device of your choice when certain criteria are met, such as the time of day, or if the office phone hasn’t been answered after a certain number of rings.
  • CRM integration
    Anything that helps with managing your customer database is welcome for most business owners. VoIP phone systems can be hooked up to your CRM to log and categorise calls with individual customers, making tracking communication that much easier.
  • Cloud hosting
    VoIP phone systems are hosted in the cloud and use your internet connection to make and receive calls. If your current internet connection isn’t too reliable, we can offer guaranteed business internet too. The benefits of cloud hosting means that in the unlikely event of a fault or failure, there is immediate support to get the system back up and running again. It also offers increased security and reduced costs.
  • Reduced costs
    Improving business efficiency is about reducing costs too, which is exactly what VoIP phone systems offer. With no onsite hardware to install or maintain and cheaper calls, VoIP alone can reduce your phone bill by half – so the extra savings can be invested elsewhere in your business.

Getting a VoIP Phone System

Don’t get concerned that VoIP phone systems are complicated and technical. You can be up and running in minutes; there are no upfront hardware costs and you can even keep your existing phone contract.

To start saving money and improving your business efficiency with a VoIP phone system today, call the Multum Tech team on 1300 685886.

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