How to use NBN to grow your enterprise

Companies, whether they’re big businesses, small or medium enterprises, need to stay connected to their market. In this increasingly competitive business landscape, communicating with the target audience is a key factor in the success or failure of an enterprise.

Speed and reliability are two factors that dictate one’s choice when searching for the proper provider and the NBN has become one of the top choices for homes and businesses seeking to upgrade their internet connection to suit their needs.

NBN has become an important tool in the success of businesses in delivering services and improving communication networks. It also increases a company’s competitiveness in the fast paced industries in the global setting.

Why switch to NBN?

The main advantage to switching to an NBN Plan is the speed. Compared to regular ADSL and ADSL 2+, NBN is roughly four times faster. NBN can offer maximum speed of up to 100 mbps as compared to ADSL 2+’s top speed of 24 mbps.

What this means for companies looking to make the switch is that they can benefit from stronger connections and better quality videos that can be used for research, communication and even teleconferencing. This can make communicating with clients, partners or potential investors even overseas more effective and stable. As a result, this enhances networking initiatives of businesses.

Things to consider in choosing the right NBN plan

Business NBNs are not standard for all companies. IT companies like Multum Tech provide a wide array of options that businesses can adapt to their needs.

In choosing the right plan, companies should consider the answer to the following questions.
Budget. Set a specific budget for the right NBN Plan. Companies should ask what they are willing and able to spend on the venture so that it will help the business earn profits instead of eating away at the company’s income.

  • Requirement. The perfect NBN Plan for a company depends on what the business does. Whether it be a high demand for streaming, browsing, emailing or simply doing tons of research, companies should be clear on this to ensure that the plan will be maximised to its fullest.
  • Get a bundle. NBN Plans do not need to be exclusive for businesses. The company’s plan could be bundled up with a home plan which could result in more savings for the part of the company.
  • Business NBN Tiers
    To make things easier for potential clients, there are a variety of tiers to choose from. Whether it be for light and standard use up to super-fast, NBN Tiers can serve as a guide for companies to gauge their needs for their business needs.
    ·         Tier 1: For light users, the first tier covers wholesale access speeds of 12 mbps download and 1 Mbps upload over NBN fiber.
    ·         Tier 2: The second tier provides wholesale speeds of 25 Mbps download speed and 5 Mbps for upload over NBN fiber.
    ·         Tier 3: For moderate users, the third tier could provide wholesale access speeds of 25 Mbps download and 10 Mbps upload over NBN fiber.
    ·         Tier 4: For larger companies, this tier covers wholesale access speeds of 50 Mbps download and 20 Mbps upload over NBN fiber.
    ·         Tier 5: For companies with a heavy load and speed requirement, this tier provides wholesale access speeds of 100 Mbps download and 40 Mbps upload over NBN fiber.

In which category does your business belong?

Multum Tech has made it easier for businesses to choose which package to avail of no matter what scale. Aside from providing consultations with experts who guide clients on the best options for their enterprises, Multum Tech gives options that are suited to the requirements of their growing clientele.

  • Small/Medium Businesses. The most practical and effective Business NBN plan for small and medium enterprises is the standard tier which starts from 25 to 50 mbps. This is the ideal speed for companies who do not have a heavy requirement of super-fast internet speed and generate usage that range from a little over household use.
  • Big Businesses. Big businesses entail speed so Multum Tech recommends NBN plans that  is 100 mbps or over per second. This will ensure that the plan will be able to keep up with the fast pace that is needed by the company. This means that the NBN Plan will be able to equip the company with super-fast uploads and downloads which are ideal for sites that require constant updating and movement.

Make the switch with Multum Tech

When your company finally makes the decision to switch to Business NBN, make sure to choose the right partner that will provide not only faster speeds, increased bandwidth and strengthened reliability.

Choose the partner that will provide the right IT advice to help your company grow and succeed. Drop Multum Tech a line through 1300 685 886 or fill out the form on our contacts page and wait for representatives to call your company.

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